Saturday, November 2, 2019

Leadership management of multicultural team through changes Essay

Leadership management of multicultural team through changes - Essay Example A patent is an exclusive right granted by the government to an inventor to manufacture, use, or sell an invention for a certain number of years (Dictionary, 2014). A patent can provide a company up to 20 years of exclusivity in the marketplace. To complete this project the firm has formed team of six professionals. The composition of the team that is going to be working on the project is made up of people from different cultures. In the work environment of the 21st century it is common for firm to formulate multicultural teams. For companies multicultural teams present challenges, but the also present a unique opportunity. Three advantages of workforce diversity are increased adaptability, broader service range, and variety of viewpoints (Greenberg, 2009). Another advantage of forming a multicultural team is increased creativity. Diversity carries a special significance in todays workplace (Schermerhorn, Hunt, Osborn, 2003). Despite the advantage of multicultural teams there are also often issues associated with its utilization. The team that was formed to complete this project is composed of six members. Their names are John, Julie, Jinsoo, Tom, Darious, Harpreet. The six members are all from different cultural backgrounds. The different countries the members are from are United States, India, Iran, China, and South Korea. Even the two American members of the team are from different ethnicity. When a team is composed of a wide variety of cultural backgrounds often these cultures crash with each other and it causes the team to display inefficiencies that hurt the ability of the members of the group to comply with the requirements of a project. Problems such as not being able to meet the deadline can occur in such dysfunctional groups. â€Å"Just as likely as the positive affects of integrating people from diverse backgrounds are the inevitable cultural clashes that test the validity of the company ethics policies and the

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